The Blood Club is a bi-weekly informal meeting series of groups from Heidelberg active in research on the hematology and related areas. It is organized by Mick Milsom with support from the Heidelberg Leukemia Network.
About the Blood Club
The Blood Club was originally started in 2012 as a grass roots initiatve of Heidelberg groups involved in hematology research. Since then, ithas grown to include more than 30 groups spanning the University Hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim; the DKFZ; the NCT and the EMBL. The goal of the meeting is to facilitate interaction and a sense of community across the diverse clinical and basic science groups that work on topics related to blood cells and products. Each meeting therefore consists of two seminars given by PhD and postdoctoral trainees, since the establishment of real working relationships requires the direct interaction of the people who are performing the experimental work. Refreshments are served after each meeting to facilitate scientific discussion, as well as the social interactions that make science fun and help build relationships!
Upcoming Meetings
All meetings take place every second Monday at 16:30 in the ZMBH, Im Neuenheimer Feld 282, in the Seminar Room on the ground floor.
Currently, due to the global corona pandemic, Blood Club meetings have been halted for the moment.
Blood Club / HeLeNe Mailing List
The Blood Club mailing is used to distribute announcements of the Blood Club and the HeLeNe Network. It is also used to send out regular notices of meetings and seminar related to hematology.
==> If you want to be included in the Blood-Club Mailing list or want to present in one of the meetings, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Past Events
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